Friday, May 23, 2008

E-learning and teaching theories

We finished our session with this question: "How do you see these teaching theories, especially the constructivist theory, applying in course management systems or other online/elearning classes?"

1 comment:

Anne Fullerton said...

I gave a 2 hour workshop to 4th year engineering students and tried to use various constructivist approaches. We started out very interactive - I asked questions and they replied on the following issues: what info searching problems/questions do you have; what's a lit review?; Here are 3 references (magazine, research article, review article)and asked them what info they expected to get from each reference and why? They participated but let the class talkers give most of the answers until I asked others to reply.

In their groups they filled in a We Know; Need to know and where will we Look for the info KNL chart which they sent to me. [I have not looked at them yet....]

This is all pre searching prep.

I wanted a group to come to the computer and work through their topic with the class offering suggestions and asking questions. No takers! So I used my topic and suddenly the session reverted to the Librarian demo!...horrors.

I felt tired of asking questions I think and my familiar topic got me into the old groove.

Comments? Suggestions?